
Oral statements made at, and written submissions submitted to, the Human Rights Council.

Syria: The conflict is affecting the plurality of religious communities – Oral Statement at the Human Rights Council

The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) delivered an oral statement to the Human Rights Council’s 43rd session, March 10, 2020, addressing its deep concern for the ongoing conflict and the way it is affecting Christians and other religious communities.

Syria: The conflict is affecting the plurality of religious communities – Oral Statement at the Human Rights Council Read More »

Burkina Faso: Alarming Escalation of Violence from Jihadist Militants – Oral Statement at the Human Rights Council

The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) shared an oral statement at the Human Rights Council’s 43rd session, March 6, 2020, addressing human security issues in Burkina Faso. Violence and instability in the Sahel region affect the Christian community.

Burkina Faso: Alarming Escalation of Violence from Jihadist Militants – Oral Statement at the Human Rights Council Read More »

At UN HRC, WEA Calls for Recognition of the Right to Conscientious Objection to Abortion

Deerfield, IL – March 4, 2020 In a statement read at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UN HRC), the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) took note of the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief’s recently published report to the UNHRC and commended it for a number of its findings. However, speaking on behalf of

At UN HRC, WEA Calls for Recognition of the Right to Conscientious Objection to Abortion Read More »

Freedom of Religion or Belief in Algeria: Joint Statement to the HRC (42nd Session)

Calling on Algerian authorities to grant permission to all forcibly closed churches to re-open and grant permission to EPA-affiliated churches to continue to use rented premises as places of worship, submitted jointly by the WEA, the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, and the Protestant

Freedom of Religion or Belief in Algeria: Joint Statement to the HRC (42nd Session) Read More »

Freedom of Religion or Belief in Sri Lanka: Joint Report to HRC (41st Session)

Statement calls on Sri Lankan authorities to withdraw the circular issued in September 2008, which restricted the churches’ ability to construct places of worship, and to ensure that the newly introduced Emergency Regulations do not adversely affect the religious freedom of citizens, submitted by the WEA and the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka

Freedom of Religion or Belief in Sri Lanka: Joint Report to HRC (41st Session) Read More »

Freedom of Religion or Belief in Nepal: Joint Statement to the HRC (41st Session)

Statement calls on Nepalese authorities to repeal articles in the Criminal Code which criminalize legitimate religious activities, and to stop arresting or intimidating members of religious minorities on the false charge of attempting to “convert” others, jointly submitted by the WEA, Baptist World Alliance and Christian Solidarity Worldwide – 3 June 2019. Written statement submitted

Freedom of Religion or Belief in Nepal: Joint Statement to the HRC (41st Session) Read More »

Iraq: Freedom of Religion and the Status of the Evangelical Churches – Report to the Human Rights Council Ahead of the UPR 34th session

Reports Submitted ahead of the Universal Periodic Review 34th session, on 25 March 2019 to the Human Rights Council ahead of the Universal Periodic Review of Iraq during the UPR 34th session. Access the Report

Iraq: Freedom of Religion and the Status of the Evangelical Churches – Report to the Human Rights Council Ahead of the UPR 34th session Read More »

WEA denounces nationalist populism at the Human Rights Council

The World Evangelical Alliance affirmed that Christian values are not compatible with anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic and xenophobic discourses and reaffirmed the unique value of each and every member of the human family, as stated in the Universal Declaration for Human Rights, in an oral statement during the Panel Discussion on Countering Nationalist Populism at the

WEA denounces nationalist populism at the Human Rights Council Read More »

India: Incidents Against Christians in 2018, with Focus on Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu – Joint Statement to the HRC (40th Session)

Joint written statement submitted by World Evangelical Alliance and the Religious Liberty Commission of the Evangelical Fellowship of India to the Human Rights Council’s fortieth session (25 February – 22 March 2019) under Agenda item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention. Access the Report

India: Incidents Against Christians in 2018, with Focus on Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu – Joint Statement to the HRC (40th Session) Read More »

Algérie: La Campagne d’Intimidation contre la Minorité Protestante se Poursuit (Algeria: the Campaign of Intimidation against the Protestant Minority Continues) – Joint Report to the HRC (40th Session)

Déclaration écrite soumise conjointement par la Commission des Églises pour les affaires internationales du Conseil œcuménique des Églises, l’Alliance Evangélique Mondiale, et l’Eglise Protestante d’Algérie au Conseil des Droitsde l’Homme, à l’occasion de sa quarantième session (25 février -22 mars 2019), sous le point 4 de l’ordre du jour : Situations relatives aux droits de

Algérie: La Campagne d’Intimidation contre la Minorité Protestante se Poursuit (Algeria: the Campaign of Intimidation against the Protestant Minority Continues) – Joint Report to the HRC (40th Session) Read More »