Human Rights Bodies

North Korea: Human Rights Situation – Submission to the Human Rights Committee 131st session

The World Evangelical Alliance reported to the Human Rights Committee, on 4 January 2021, on the situation of human rights, such as the right to life, religious freedom, freedom of movement, liberty and security of person, discrimination, the right to fair trial, treatment of prisoners and other detainees and prohibition of torture and degrading treatment, […]

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Nepal: Freedom of Religion or Belief – Joint Submission to the Human Rights Committee 131st session

The World Evangelical Alliance, together with the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches, Baptist World Alliance, Nepal Christian Society and National Churches Fellowship of Nepal, reported to the Human Rights Committee, on 4 January 2021, on the situation of freedom of religion or belief in Nepal, ahead of

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Maldives: Freedom of Religion – UPR36 Pre-session Briefing

The World Evangelical Alliance addressed religious freedom and the right to manifest one’s religion or beliefs violations in Maldives, in a pre-session briefing ahead of the 36th session of the Universal Periodic Review of the Maldives, at the Human Rights Council, November 2020.

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République Centrafricaine: Les efforts pour la paix et contre l’impunité doivent s’intensifier

A la 45ème session du conseil des droits de l’homme, l’Alliance Evangélique Mondiale appelle à l’intensification et l’accélération de la lutte contre l’impunité. Ces efforts doivent être davantage soutenus, pour que la lutte contre l’impunité déploie pleinement ses effets et contribue à ce que les Centrafricains puissent vivre à nouveau sereinement dans un pays pacifié,

République Centrafricaine: Les efforts pour la paix et contre l’impunité doivent s’intensifier Read More »

Sudan: Further Reforms Needed to Ensure Full Respect of the Right to Freedom of Religion

In July 2020 the transitional government repealed Article 126 of the penal code that prescribed death sentence for leaving Islam. The same reforms, however, did not repeal Article 125 of the Penal Code, which prescribes blasphemy as a criminal offense. The World Evangelical Alliance’s Geneva Liaison Office read a statement at the Human Rights Council’s

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Nepal: Baptist World Alliance, WEA Call on Government to Enact Legislation for Church Registration

Nepal’s Constitution states that “Every religious denomination shall have the right to operate and protect its religious sites and religious trusts.” However, the Nepalese government has yet to enacted the legislation for registration of churches and their properties. The statement was read at the Human Rights Council’s 45th session in the General Debate under Agenda

Nepal: Baptist World Alliance, WEA Call on Government to Enact Legislation for Church Registration Read More »

Pakistan: Protect underage girls belonging to religious minorities from abduction & forced marriages

Pakistani authorities have failed to bring justice in cases of abduction and forced marriages of underage girls belonging to religious minorities. The World Evangelical Alliance, the World Council of Churches, and Christian Solidarity Worldwide made a joint-statement at the Human Rights Council’s 45th session calling on the government of Pakistan to bring justice to these

Pakistan: Protect underage girls belonging to religious minorities from abduction & forced marriages Read More »