Human Rights Bodies


Australia: Abolish the practice of arresting and incarcerating children under 16

Together with Ethos: Australian Evangelical Alliance’s Centre for Christianity and Society, the World Evangelical Alliance stressed the importance of respecting inalienable human rights and freedoms, including protection of minority rights and freedom of expression in Australia, at the 47th session of the Human Rights Council during the adoption of the UPR outcome of Australia. We […]

Australia: Abolish the practice of arresting and incarcerating children under 16 Read More »

Nepal: Amend Penal Code to Comply with Human Rights Standards

In Nepal, criminal charges of conversion by force or inducement are used to hinder the enjoyment of religious freedom. More than 30 Christians were arrested and taken to court on charges of “conversion” during 2018 and 2019. At the Human Rights Council’s 47th session in June and July 2021, during the Adoption of the UPR

Nepal: Amend Penal Code to Comply with Human Rights Standards Read More »

Disinformation Attacks on Religious Minorities and Freedom of Expression

On 2 July 2021, at the Human Rights Council, during the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, we raised cases of disinformation in India and Nepal that affected the freedom of expression of religious minorities.

Disinformation Attacks on Religious Minorities and Freedom of Expression Read More »


States’ Pandemic Response Should be Inclusive of their Religious Minorities

On 21 June 2021, at the 47th session of the Human Rights Council, during the interactive dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on the central role of the State in responding to pandemics, the World Evangelical Alliance made an oral statement via video calling on States to hold a dialogue with their religious

States’ Pandemic Response Should be Inclusive of their Religious Minorities Read More »

India and Nepal: Disinformation and Hatred Against Religious Minorities

On 28 May 2021, the World Evangelical Alliance submitted a written statement to the Human Rights Council’s 47th session, which takes place from 21 June to 15 July 2021. The statement addresses ideological and identity-based disinformation promoted by Hindu nationalist groups in India and Nepal and that have been used against religious minority groups, particularly

India and Nepal: Disinformation and Hatred Against Religious Minorities Read More »

Turkey: Freedom of Religion or Belief – Submission to the Human Rights Committee 132nd session

The Protestan Kiliseler Derneği (Association of Protestant Churches – Turkey), the World Evangelical Alliance, the European Evangelical Alliance, and Middle East Concern jointly submitted a report to the Human Rights Committee, on 7 May 2021, ahead of the consideration of the List of Issues Prior Reporting for Turkey during the Committee’s 132nd session in June

Turkey: Freedom of Religion or Belief – Submission to the Human Rights Committee 132nd session Read More »

France: Freedom of Religion or Belief – Submission to the Human Rights Committee 132nd session

With the support of the World Evangelical Alliance and the European Evangelical Alliance, the National Council of Evangelicals in France – Conseil National des Evangéliques de France CNEF – reported to the Human Rights Committee, on 6 May 2021, on (1) freedom of religion or belief and the proposed modifications to the regime of the

France: Freedom of Religion or Belief – Submission to the Human Rights Committee 132nd session Read More »

Sudan: Freedom of Religion or Belief and Women’s Rights – Report to the UPR 39th session

The World Evangelical Alliance, Open Doors International and Middle East Concern submitted a joint report to the Human Rights Council ahead of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Sudan during the UPR 39th session of the UPR, on Freedom of Religion and Belief and Women’s Rights in Sudan, on 25 March 2021.

Sudan: Freedom of Religion or Belief and Women’s Rights – Report to the UPR 39th session Read More »

Greece: Freedom of Religion or Belief – Report to the UPR 39th session

The World Evangelical Alliance, the European Evangelical Alliance and the Greek Evangelical Alliance submitted to the Human Rights Council ahead of the Universal Periodic Review of Greece during the UPR 39th session, on Freedom of Religion or Belief in Greece. Our report addressed prohibition of proselytism, the creation of legal entities under the 2014 Law

Greece: Freedom of Religion or Belief – Report to the UPR 39th session Read More »

Central African Republic: Peace Process Needs Be Intensified and Include Interfaith Platform Leaders (in French)

At the Human Rights Council’s 46th session, the World Evangelical Alliance and Caritas Internationalis made a statement on the human rights situation in CAR, calling for national reconciliation with the participation of leaders of the Interfaith Platform, who enjoy moral authority in the society, as well as the restoration of State authority. We also re-iterated

Central African Republic: Peace Process Needs Be Intensified and Include Interfaith Platform Leaders (in French) Read More »