Human Rights Bodies

WEA calls on Switzerland to decriminalize humanitarian assistance to migrants in illegal situation

The World Evangelical Alliance called on the Government of Switzerland to decriminalize humanitarian assistance to migrants in illegal situation, and to repeal disproportionate measures that restrict freedom of religion or belief in public grounds in Geneva, more specifically, the prohibition of baptism ceremonies on the public beaches of Lake Geneva. The oral statement was made […]

WEA calls on Switzerland to decriminalize humanitarian assistance to migrants in illegal situation Read More »

WEA calls for long-term protection against human trafficking in Ukraine and neighboring countries

The World Evangelical Alliance, together with its partners, the World Freedom Network (WFN) and European Freedom Network (EFN), called on governments closest to the Ukraine crisis and further abroad to provide avenues to regularize migration status for those rebuilding their lives in neighboring countries, and urged the international community to fulfill and strengthen their commitment

WEA calls for long-term protection against human trafficking in Ukraine and neighboring countries Read More »

France: Freedom of Religion – Recommendations to the UPR 43rd session

On 11 October 2022, the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), the Conseil National des Évangéliques de France (CNEF), the European Evangelical Alliance (EEA), and the European Baptist Federation (EBF) submitted a joint report to the Human Rights Council ahead of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of France scheduled for May 2023 during the UPR 43rd session.

France: Freedom of Religion – Recommendations to the UPR 43rd session Read More »

Canada: Protection of Persons with Disabilities, Human Trafficking, Freedom of Religion – Report to the UPR 44th session

On 31 March 2023, the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) submitted a joint report to the Human Rights Council ahead of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Canada scheduled for November 2023 during the UPR 44th session. Our joint submission reported on the situation of the right to life

Canada: Protection of Persons with Disabilities, Human Trafficking, Freedom of Religion – Report to the UPR 44th session Read More »

Multi-faith coalition urges India to address rights violations against religious minorities

The World Evangelical Alliance, Open Doors International, the Indian American Muslim Council, Hindus for Human Rights, Justice For All, and the International Commission for Dalit Rights, called on India to guarantee the safety of all Dalit and Adivasi Indians, to investigate and condemn all cases of religious violence and discrimination on religious grounds, to repeal

Multi-faith coalition urges India to address rights violations against religious minorities Read More »

WEA & WCC call on Algeria to allow forcibly closed churches to reopen

The World Evangelical Alliance and the World Council of Churches called on the government of Algeria to allow forcibly closed Protestant churches to reopen and provide greater clarity and support on the registration process for religious minorities to become recognized associations. They also called on the government of Algeria to drop all the unfair court

WEA & WCC call on Algeria to allow forcibly closed churches to reopen Read More »

Rights Violations Against Christians in Iran in 2022 – Launch of the Report

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), Article18, Middle East Concern, and Open Doors International launched their fifth joint annual report on Rights Violations Against Christians in Iran. The report was launched during an event in partnership with the World Evangelical Alliance, in conjunction with the 52nd session of the Human Rights Council, on 23 March 2023, at the

Rights Violations Against Christians in Iran in 2022 – Launch of the Report Read More »

WEA and WCC call on Algeria and India to respect rights of religious minorities

The World Evangelical Alliance and the World Council of Churches called on Algeria to cease all prosecutions against Christians and allow forcibly closed Protestant churches to reopen, and called India to ensure order and safety for the 2500 forcibly displaced Adivasi Christians of Chhattisgarh so that they can return home without the risk of being

WEA and WCC call on Algeria and India to respect rights of religious minorities Read More »

WEA joins call on States to lift sanctions that prevent Syrians from accessing to humanitarian aid

The WEA joined the call by New Humanity of the Focolare Movement, together with Caritas International and other Catholic NGOs, for sanctioning States to remove all those sanctions that prevent the Syrians from accessing basic needs and services, essential health supplies and that inhibit the reconstruction of basic infrastructure destroyed by the ongoing conflict and

WEA joins call on States to lift sanctions that prevent Syrians from accessing to humanitarian aid Read More »

WEA invites UN Expert to share best practices in recognition & registration of religious communities

The freedom to manifest one’s religion includes the freedom for members of religious communities to establish and maintain religious, charitable or humanitarian institutions. The World Evangelical Alliance addresses challenges to the legal recognition and registration of religious communities, and invites the Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of religion or belief to share best

WEA invites UN Expert to share best practices in recognition & registration of religious communities Read More »