Human Trafficking

Report on Trafficking of Nigerians in Austria

AUSTRIA: Trafficking of Nigerians. Report submitted to the Human Rights Council ahead of the Universal Periodic Review of Austria during the UPR 37th session. Submission date: 8 July 2020. Report submitted jointly by: The World Evangelical Alliance, Austrian Evangelical Alliance, European Evangelical Alliance, and Herzwerk – Initiative for People in Prostitution. Download Report

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Canada: Sexual Exploitation, Prostitution, Human Trafficking, Pornography, and Freedom of Religion – Joint report to the UPR 30th session

The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and the The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) submitted a joint report to the 30th sesssion of the Working Group of the Universal Periodic Review, concerning the review of human rights in Canada. Submission date: October 5, 2017.

Canada: Sexual Exploitation, Prostitution, Human Trafficking, Pornography, and Freedom of Religion – Joint report to the UPR 30th session Read More »

Switzerland: Human Trafficking – Joint Report to the UPR 14th session

In a joint submission to the 14th session of the Universal Periodic Review, the WEA, the Swiss Evangelical Alliance (SEA-RES) and Christliche Ostmission (COM) addressed Human Trafficking issues, asking Switzerland to ratify and implement two treaties of the Council of Europe against trafficking of human beings and for the protection of children against sexual exploitation

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