
Oral statements made at, and written submissions submitted to, the Human Rights Council.

Sri Lanka: The 2019 Religious Freedom Landscape – Joint Statement to the HRC (40th Session)

Written statement submitted by the World Evangelical Alliance and the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka to the Human Rights Council’s fortieth session (25 February – 22 March 2019) under Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention Access the Report

Sri Lanka: The 2019 Religious Freedom Landscape – Joint Statement to the HRC (40th Session) Read More »

Viet Nam: Legislative and Governmental Restrictions on Freedom of Religion or Belief – Written Statement to the HRC 39th session

Written statement submitted by the World Evangelical to the Human Rights Council’s thirty-ninth session (10-28 September 2018) under agenda item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention. 23 August 2018.

Viet Nam: Legislative and Governmental Restrictions on Freedom of Religion or Belief – Written Statement to the HRC 39th session Read More »

Sudan: Ongoing Imprisonment and Intimidation of Church Leaders, Confiscation and Destruction of Church Property – Written Statement to the HRC 39th session

Written statement submitted by the World Evangelical Alliance to the Human Rights Council’s thirty-ninth session (10-28 September 2018) under agenda item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention. 23 August 2018.

Sudan: Ongoing Imprisonment and Intimidation of Church Leaders, Confiscation and Destruction of Church Property – Written Statement to the HRC 39th session Read More »

Nepal: Criminalization of Religious Conversion Amid Increasing Hostility Towards Christians – Joint Written Statement to the HRC 39th session

Written statement submitted by the World Evangelical Alliance, the Baptist World Alliance, and Christian Solidarity Worldwide to the Human Rights Council’s thirty-ninth session (10-28 September 2018) under agenda item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention.

Nepal: Criminalization of Religious Conversion Amid Increasing Hostility Towards Christians – Joint Written Statement to the HRC 39th session Read More »

Nigeria: Government Needs to Do More to Stem the Herdsmen-Farmers Violence – Joint written statement to the HRC 39th session

Joint written statement submitted by the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches and the World Evangelical Alliance to the Human Rights Council’s thirty-ninth session (10-28 September 2018) under Agenda item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention.

Nigeria: Government Needs to Do More to Stem the Herdsmen-Farmers Violence – Joint written statement to the HRC 39th session Read More »

Sri Lanka: Persistence of Religiously Motivated Violence, Intimidation, and Discrimination – Written Statement to the HRC 39th session

Written statement submitted by the World Evangelical Alliance and the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka to the Human Rights Council’s thirty ninth session (10-28 September 2018) under Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention (General Debate).

Sri Lanka: Persistence of Religiously Motivated Violence, Intimidation, and Discrimination – Written Statement to the HRC 39th session Read More »

India: The Situation for Religious Minorities Has Worsened – Joint written statement to the HRC 39th session

Joint written statement submitted by World Evangelical Alliance and the Religious Liberty Commission of the Evangelical Fellowship of India to the Human Rights Council’s thirty-ninth session (10-28 September 2018) under Agenda item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention. 23 August 2018.

India: The Situation for Religious Minorities Has Worsened – Joint written statement to the HRC 39th session Read More »

Algérie: Campagne d’Intimidation contre la Minorité Protestante (Algeria: Campaign of Intimidation against the Protestant Minority) – Joint Report to the HRC 39th session

Déclaration écrite soumise conjointement par la Commission des Églises pour les affaires internationales du Conseil œcuménique des Églises, l’Alliance Evangélique Mondiale, et l’Eglise Protestante d’Algérie au Conseil des Droits de l’Homme, à l’occasion de sa trente-neuvième session (10-28 septembre 2018), sous le point 4 de l’ordre du jour : Situations relatives aux droits de l’homme

Algérie: Campagne d’Intimidation contre la Minorité Protestante (Algeria: Campaign of Intimidation against the Protestant Minority) – Joint Report to the HRC 39th session Read More »

Sri Lanka: Freedom of Religion and Belief – Written statement submitted to the 33rd session of the Human Rights Council

The written statement on behalf of the World Evangelical Alliance was submitted to the 33rd session of the HRC under agenda item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention. The statement concerned the freedom of religion or belief in Sri Lanka. Submitted the 26 August 2016.

Sri Lanka: Freedom of Religion and Belief – Written statement submitted to the 33rd session of the Human Rights Council Read More »