
Oral statements made at, and written submissions submitted to, the Human Rights Council.

Algeria: End persecution of Evangelical Protestants and allow churches to reopen

On 22 March 2022, at the Human Rights Council 49th session, during the general debate under Agenda Item 4, the World Evangelical Alliance called on Algerian authorities to end their persecution of Protestant and Evangelical Christians, rescind the unjust court sentences, and allow the churches forcibly closed to reopen.

Algeria: End persecution of Evangelical Protestants and allow churches to reopen Read More »

WEA shares examples of Evangelical engagement for peace and reconciliation in CAR, Lebanon, Colombia

On 10 March 2022, at the Human Rights Council 49th session, during the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, the World Evangelical Alliance shared several examples of Evangelical engagement for peace and reconciliation in situations of conflict and insecurity in several parts of the world, such as the Central

WEA shares examples of Evangelical engagement for peace and reconciliation in CAR, Lebanon, Colombia Read More »

WEA appeal against anti-conversion laws in several Asian nations

On 8 March 2022, at the Human Rights Council 49th session, during the general debate under Agenda Item 2, the World Evangelical Alliance urged Russia to stop its attack on Ukraine, to respect international law and the sanctity of human life. Furthermore, the WEA expressed its concerns about legislation on religious conversion targeting religious minorities

WEA appeal against anti-conversion laws in several Asian nations Read More »

Afghanistan: Call for monitoring the situation of religious minorities, women, children and refugees

On 7 March 2022, at the Human Rights Council 49th session, during the interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner’s report on Afghanistan, the World Evangelical Alliance, jointly with Baptist World Alliance and Jubilee Campaign, called on the OHCHR to monitor the situation of religious minorities in Afghanistan, and recommended strong human rights pillar of the

Afghanistan: Call for monitoring the situation of religious minorities, women, children and refugees Read More »

Sri Lanka: Call for justice for religious minorities victims of violence, Easter Sunday bombings

On 7 March 2022, at the Human Rights Council 49th session, during the interactive dialogue on the OHCHR written update on Sri Lanka, the World Evangelical Alliance urged the government of Sri Lanka to desist from mandating any form of registration of places of worship, and to achieve justice for the victims of the 2019

Sri Lanka: Call for justice for religious minorities victims of violence, Easter Sunday bombings Read More »

Ethiopia: WEA Secretary General calls for immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations at Human Rights Council Special Session

On 17 December 2021, the World Evangelical Alliance’s Secretary General Bishop Thomas Schirrmacher addressed the UN Human Rights Council at its 33rd Special Session on the grave human rights situation in Ethiopia. Bishop Schirrmacher called on all parties to the conflict for an immediate ceasefire and to initiate negotiations to bring lasting peace. He underscored

Ethiopia: WEA Secretary General calls for immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations at Human Rights Council Special Session Read More »

Central African Republic: Shed light on the role of multinational companies operating complicit in “war business”

On 7 October 2021, at the Interactive dialogue with the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic on their report, during the 48th session of the Human Rights Council, the World Evangelical Alliance and Caritas Internationals ask the UN Expert what mechanisms shed light on the role of the

Central African Republic: Shed light on the role of multinational companies operating complicit in “war business” Read More »

Sudan: Despite Progress, Discrimination and Violence Against Christians Continue

On 6 October 2021, at the Human Rights Council 48th session, the World Evangelical Alliance participated in the Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on the Sudan. We urged the government of Sudan to ensure the protection of religious minorities and bring its legislation in compliance with Article 18 of the

Sudan: Despite Progress, Discrimination and Violence Against Christians Continue Read More »

WEA calls on governments to reconsider the extensive use of sanctions, to prioritize the well-being of civilians, dialogue and political solutions

On 16 September 2021, the World Evangelical Alliance stated that the extensive use of sanctions, or Unilateral Coercive Measures in UN language, has a detrimental impact on the civilian population disproportionately to their stated objectives. We called on the United States, the European Union and other governments to reconsider the extensive use of UCMs and

WEA calls on governments to reconsider the extensive use of sanctions, to prioritize the well-being of civilians, dialogue and political solutions Read More »

Algeria: Allow Re-Opening of All Protestant Churches, Overturn Convictions of Individual Christians

On 24 September 2021, at the Human Rights Council 48th session, the World Evangelical Alliance, the World Council of Churches and the Baptist World Alliance express grave concern over increasing violations of the right to freedom of religion or belief in Algeria in the course of 2021.

Algeria: Allow Re-Opening of All Protestant Churches, Overturn Convictions of Individual Christians Read More »