Human Rights Bodies

Sweden: Protect Asylum-seekers and Allow for Conscientious Objection to Abortions

At the Human Rights Council’s 45th session, under Agenda Item 6: Universal Periodic Review – Adoption of the outcome of Sweden, the World Evangelical Alliance called on Sweden to take more effective measures to protect the rights of asylum-seekers who leave their current religion or to change their religion for another, and to allow for […]

Sweden: Protect Asylum-seekers and Allow for Conscientious Objection to Abortions Read More »

Turkey: Call to Review Decisions to Expel and Ban Expatriate Protestant Church Members

In a statement at the Human Rights Council’s 45th session, at the Agenda Item 6 UPR Adoption of Outcome of Turkey, the World Evangelical Alliance called on Turkey to review its decisions to effectively expel and ban the 60 expatriate Protestant church members, and to allow for a fair and just recourse against national security

Turkey: Call to Review Decisions to Expel and Ban Expatriate Protestant Church Members Read More »

Joint Statement: Deep Concern on the Negative Impacts of Unilateral Coercive Measures

During the the 45th session of the Human Rights Council, Caritas Internationalis in a statement co-sponsored by the WEA and other religious groups, expressed deep concern about the negative economic, social and humanitarian consequences of unilateral sanctions, especially those introduced without and beyond the authorization of the UN Security Council.

Joint Statement: Deep Concern on the Negative Impacts of Unilateral Coercive Measures Read More »

Zimbabwe: WEA and the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe Call for an Inclusive and Transparent Dialogue

The World Evangelical Alliance and the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe call on the Government of Zimbabwe for a dialogue with all components of Zimbabwean society to address the underlying causes of the current crisis, notably due to COVID-19 pandemic, economic collapse, deepening poverty, food insecurity, corruption and human rights abuses. The statement was delivered by

Zimbabwe: WEA and the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe Call for an Inclusive and Transparent Dialogue Read More »

Maldives: Freedom of Religion or Belief, Freedom of Expression, and the Right of Peaceful Assembly

On 14 August 2020, the World Evangelical Alliance reported to the Human Rights Committee on the situation of freedom of religion or belief, freedom of expression and the right to peaceful assembly in the Maldives, ahead of the consideration of the List of Issues Prior Reporting for the Maldives during the Committee’s 130th session in

Maldives: Freedom of Religion or Belief, Freedom of Expression, and the Right of Peaceful Assembly Read More »

Libya: Freedom of Religion or Belief and Non-Discrimination

The World Evangelical Alliance, together with Open Doors and Middle East Concern, reported to the Human Rights Committee, on 17 August 2020, on the situation of freedom of religion or belief in Libya, ahead of the consideration of the List of Issues Prior Reporting for Libya during the Committee’s 130th session in October 2020.

Libya: Freedom of Religion or Belief and Non-Discrimination Read More »

India: Anti-Conversion Laws Threaten Freedom of Religion of Belief and Religious Harmony

Though religiously-motivated violence has existed for years in India, evidence suggests Hindu extremists have created an environment of hate and intolerance toward minority religions in the recent years, primarily against Christians and Muslims. This environment has seen an escalation of violence, social ostracism, property destruction, hate speech, disruption and condemnation of peaceful non-Hindu religious activities,

India: Anti-Conversion Laws Threaten Freedom of Religion of Belief and Religious Harmony Read More »

Pakistan: Abduction, Religious Conversion, and Forced Marriage of Minors from Minority Religious Groups

Despite local and international advocacy, girls under the age of 18, belonging to minority religious groups in Pakistan, and to disadvantaged social classes, remain under the threat of abduction, forced conversion to Islam, and forced marriages. On 20 August 2020, the World Evangelical Alliance and the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the

Pakistan: Abduction, Religious Conversion, and Forced Marriage of Minors from Minority Religious Groups Read More »

Algeria: Protestant Churches Forcibly Closed

Over a dozen of churches in Algeria remain forcibly closed by Algeria authorities, in violation of the right to freedom of religion or belief. The World Evangelical Alliance, together with the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches, the Protestant Church of Algeria and the Middle East Concern, raised

Algeria: Protestant Churches Forcibly Closed Read More »

WEA Statement on Recent Reforms Affecting Freedom of Religion in Sudan – Statement to the Human Rights Council 44th Session

During the enhanced interactive dialogue on the oral reports of the Government of Sudan and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, at the 44th session of the Human Rights Council, the World Evangelical Alliance welcomed the wide-ranging amendments to Sudan’s criminal law including repealing the death penalty for apostasy, and expressed hope

WEA Statement on Recent Reforms Affecting Freedom of Religion in Sudan – Statement to the Human Rights Council 44th Session Read More »