Human Rights Bodies

Sudan: Despite Progress, Discrimination and Violence Against Christians Continue

On 6 October 2021, at the Human Rights Council 48th session, the World Evangelical Alliance participated in the Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on the Sudan. We urged the government of Sudan to ensure the protection of religious minorities and bring its legislation in compliance with Article 18 of the […]

Sudan: Despite Progress, Discrimination and Violence Against Christians Continue Read More »

WEA calls on governments to reconsider the extensive use of sanctions, to prioritize the well-being of civilians, dialogue and political solutions

On 16 September 2021, the World Evangelical Alliance stated that the extensive use of sanctions, or Unilateral Coercive Measures in UN language, has a detrimental impact on the civilian population disproportionately to their stated objectives. We called on the United States, the European Union and other governments to reconsider the extensive use of UCMs and

WEA calls on governments to reconsider the extensive use of sanctions, to prioritize the well-being of civilians, dialogue and political solutions Read More »

Algeria: Allow Re-Opening of All Protestant Churches, Overturn Convictions of Individual Christians

On 24 September 2021, at the Human Rights Council 48th session, the World Evangelical Alliance, the World Council of Churches and the Baptist World Alliance express grave concern over increasing violations of the right to freedom of religion or belief in Algeria in the course of 2021.

Algeria: Allow Re-Opening of All Protestant Churches, Overturn Convictions of Individual Christians Read More »

Statement: The Plight of Religious Minorities is Under-Reported in the UN System

On 22 September 2021, at the Human Rights Council 48th session, the World Evangelical Alliance urged the High Commissioner, the Human Rights Council, and United Nations Special Procedures to include Christians and other religious minorities, when warranted, in their statements and reporting, and to highlight not only the vulnerability of these groups, but also their

Statement: The Plight of Religious Minorities is Under-Reported in the UN System Read More »

Addressing the Situation of Religious Minorities in Sri Lanka and in Afghanistan during the Dialogue with the High Commissioner for Human Rights

On 14 September 2021, at the Human Rights Council 48th Session, the World Evangelical Alliance urged the High Commissioner to include Christian and other religious minorities in her reporting on Sri Lanka and on Afghanistan. Our statement highlighted incidents of religious violence and intolerance against Protestant Christians in Sri Lanka, and that religious minorities in

Addressing the Situation of Religious Minorities in Sri Lanka and in Afghanistan during the Dialogue with the High Commissioner for Human Rights Read More »

Algeria: Arbitrary Closures of Protestant Churches and Prosecution of Christians Continue through 2021

On 20 August 2021, the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Middle East Concern (MEC) and the Protestant Church of Algeria (Église Protestante d’Algérie – EPA) submitted a joint written statement to the Human Rights Council’s 48th session, which will take place from 13 September to 8 October 2021.

Algeria: Arbitrary Closures of Protestant Churches and Prosecution of Christians Continue through 2021 Read More »

Uganda: Report and Recommendations on Human Trafficking to the Universal Periodic Review

On 14 July 2021, the World Evangelical Alliance and the Salvation Army submitted a joint-report to the United Nations Universal Periodic Review Working Group, ahead of the review of Uganda at the Human Rights Council in January 2022. Our report called on the Ugandan Government to adopt anti-trafficking measures related to the protection of child

Uganda: Report and Recommendations on Human Trafficking to the Universal Periodic Review Read More »

Central African Alliance: End Impunity, Combat Disinformation

On 9 July 2021, at the Human Rights Council 47th session, the World Evangelical Alliance and Caritas Internationalis appealed for impartial investigations to be conducted in order to combat impunity in CAR as well as disinformation campaigns. And we strongly condemn the attack by the Coalition of Patriots for Change on June 4 against Reverend

Central African Alliance: End Impunity, Combat Disinformation Read More »


Austria: Expand and systematize existing training on human trafficking for the police and health professionals

At the 47th session of the Human Rights Council during the adoption of the UPR outcome of Austria, together with our member Austrian Evangelical Alliance and Austrian Initiative for People in Prostitution Herzwerk, we called on the Government of Austria to continue with its efforts in tackling human trafficking. While welcoming the Government’s support of

Austria: Expand and systematize existing training on human trafficking for the police and health professionals Read More »