Human Rights Bodies

WEA marks the 30th anniversary of the massacre of Armenian Christians during the first Karabakh war

The World Evangelical Alliance marked the thirtieth anniversary of the massacre of Armenian Christians in Maragha village in Nagorno-Karabakh during the first Karabakh war and urged the international community to honour the memory of the victims of Maragha by making good on its many promises to prevent and punish the crime of genocide. The statement […]

WEA marks the 30th anniversary of the massacre of Armenian Christians during the first Karabakh war Read More »

Reversing the Trend: Minority Rights in India – Webinar

Webinar date and time: 3 October 2022, 18:30 New Delhi time, 15:00 Geneva time, 09:00 Washington D.C. time Registration: In India, incitement, disinformation and stigmatization of minority faith groups, including by senior political figures, have led to a surge of hate speech in social media, and increasing hostility and violence against religious minorities. Anti-conversion

Reversing the Trend: Minority Rights in India – Webinar Read More »

Sri Lanka: Ensure full accountability for violence and discrimination against religious minorities

The World Evangelical Alliance, jointly with Baptist World Alliance and ADF International, called on Sri Lanka to repeal the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA), to withdraw unlawful circulars and policies pertaining to registering places of worship, and to ensure full accountability for acts of violence, discrimination and harassment against religious minorities. The statement was made

Sri Lanka: Ensure full accountability for violence and discrimination against religious minorities Read More »

Iran: Freedom of Religion or Belief – Joint Report to the Human Rights Committee 136th Session

On 17 August 2022, the World Evangelical Alliance, Open Doors, Article 18, and Middle East Concern submitted a joint report to the to the Human Rights Committee ahead of the consideration of the List of Issues Prior to Reporting for Iran during the Committee’s 136th session, October-November 2022. Our joint submission reported on freedom of

Iran: Freedom of Religion or Belief – Joint Report to the Human Rights Committee 136th Session Read More »

Sri Lanka: Religious Minorities and Freedom of Religion – Report to the UPR 42nd session

On 14 July 2022, the World Evangelical Alliance, the Asia Evangelical Alliance (AEA), and Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) submitted a joint report to the Human Rights Council ahead of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Sri Lanka scheduled for February 2023 during the UPR 42nd session. Our joint submission reported on the situation of religious

Sri Lanka: Religious Minorities and Freedom of Religion – Report to the UPR 42nd session Read More »

Argentina: Human Trafficking – Report to the UPR 42nd session

On 14 July 2022, the World Evangelical Alliance, the Christian Alliance of Evangelical Churches of the Argentine Republic (ACIERA), and Mujeres por la Nación (Women for the Nation) submitted a joint report to the Human Rights Council ahead of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Argentina scheduled for January 2023 during the UPR 42nd session.

Argentina: Human Trafficking – Report to the UPR 42nd session Read More »

Switzerland: Solidarity Crime & Discrimination on Basis of Religion – Report to the UPR 42nd session

On 8 July 2022, the World Evangelical Alliance,, the Swiss Evangelical Alliance (SEA-RES), and the European Evangelical Alliance submitted a joint report to the Human Rights Council ahead of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Switzerland scheduled for January 2023 during the UPR 42nd session. Our joint submission reported on the criminalization of the

Switzerland: Solidarity Crime & Discrimination on Basis of Religion – Report to the UPR 42nd session Read More »

Peru: Human Trafficking – Report to the UPR 42nd session

On 8 July 2022, the World Evangelical Alliance and the Union of Evangelical Christian Churches of Peru (UNICEP) submitted a joint report to the Human Rights Council ahead of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Peru scheduled for January 2023 during the UPR 42nd session. Our joint submission reported on the situation of human trafficking

Peru: Human Trafficking – Report to the UPR 42nd session Read More »

Central African Republic: Call for the respect of the ceasefire

The World Evangelical Alliance, jointly with Caritas Internationalis, called on all parties in Central African Republic to respect the ceasefire, for dialogue between the government and the armed groups, and the implementation of a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process with a view to the return of the exercise of sovereign powers by the State and

Central African Republic: Call for the respect of the ceasefire Read More »

WEA calls on India and Algeria to repeal stringent legal restrictions on NGO access to funding

On 20 June 2022, at the Human Rights Council 50th session, during the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of peaceful assembly and association, the World Evangelical Alliance called on the governments of India and Algeria to repeal laws that put stringent requirements and restrictions on access to funding and require additional burdensome

WEA calls on India and Algeria to repeal stringent legal restrictions on NGO access to funding Read More »